Thursday, November 1, 2007

Flickr fun

Red-breasted nuthatch
Red-breasted nuthatch,
originally uploaded by Jim Scarff.
Brother is that a lie. Can this be more difficult for a flickr novice, a technotard, a photophob to learn??? If this birdie shows up on my blog, I will be amazed. But here's to the older generation learning new tricks, even though it took 10 times longer than it should have!

1 comment:

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Leereer,

This is Jean and I'll be taking over from Nichole on this part of Project Play.

Congratulations - the birdie showed up on your blog! I'm glad that you're being persistent and learning these new technologies!

I'm new to Flickr too and have used it just a little bit.

Project Play is all about trying new things and staying with those that work for you.

Keep on Playing!
