Thursday, November 1, 2007


I created my LibraryThing account and added my five books (books I owned, most signed by the author!! - well, sure, I used the tags wrong, but it's MY library.) We'll see if this is how you link to it! I'm not sure how MPL could use this, but I know how I'm going to: any time I get a reader's advisor question, I'm logging onto Danbury Public Library and using those cloud links. I've been mostly disappointed in the results I get from Novelist and What to Read Next. The clouds are FABulous. When I looked for the tags for the book I am reading right now (Ten Days in the Hills), the suggestions were just perfect....books I've already read, or want to read and seem to related in many ways to the novel. Has that worked for anyone else?
Now I have a new, unrelated question: How do you get rid of a photo you've pasted into your blog that you don't want? I suppose if this is difficult, it means I'm learning something. Peace.


Pinky said...

I love your new baby nephew. So sweet! When you are writing about deleting a photo, is it on the side bar or in the text of the message? On the side bar, go into settings, template, open the element with the photo you no longer want (it probably says PICTURE/EDIT, then remove it. There should be an option that says REMOVE PAGE ELEMENT. If it is in the text of a message, click on posting, then edit post, then find the post where the image is to be deleted, then just click on the image once and hit delete. Voila! I really like your images, though. This week's GA featured a storyline about the ivory-billed woodpecker. I was always going to read The Race to Save the Lord God Bird but never got around to it. I might now.

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Leereer,

Congratulations on creating your LibraryThing account - I'm a huge fan of LT. I use it for my book list and also for reader's advisory. It's a great resource.

Keep on Playing - deadline is December 10th!
