Friday, March 14, 2008


I'm cheating this week and not doing very much since I'm WAY behind in Project Play. I already knew a little bit about podcasts, as one of the things that gets me through the week is my Stephanie Miller podcast subscription (though she's on vacation this week, which is seriously effecting my mood.....) I did listen to all y'all's gabcasts. Nice work!
As for what you might use podcasts for in the library world: I like the idea of a book talk podcast - mini book reviews on a regular basis - a la abécédaire's gabcast. Or instead of subscribing to the enewsletter, getting a 2 minute update on library happenings via podcast. Or, as some have suggested, tutorials to guide people step by step through processes they need to learn like setting up email accounts. (would a youtube be better for this? just listening to something may not be as conducive to the learning process as listening and seeing.) Recordings of a library program that folks missed but may want to listen to?
Trying to learn, play and fear less.

1 comment:

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Leereer,

You're not the only one waaaay behind in Project Play! I'm finally getting caught up.

I like your idea of a regular book talk podcast - that's a cool idea and it takes your MadReads blog one step further.

Keep on playing!
